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Whale Sightings

9 JULY 2024

Moonshadow TQC Cruise Director Renee made her whale update this mornings cruise full of excitement.  They had been traveling with five separate pods of whales throughout the cruise.  Skipper Matt was full of information educating our passengers about these amazing mammals.There were plenty of breeches, tail slaps, head lobbing, tail flukes & spouting. To the…

8 JULY 2024

It’s a whale Bonanza at Port Stephens and just in time for the school holidays! The crew on MV Osprey has reported the sighting of many pods of Humpback Whales. Again the hot spot of whale sightings have all been around Fingal Island so we have not needed to cruise too far from the headland…

7 JULY 2024

After a number of days of whale watch cruises being land locked due to unfavourable sea conditions off shore we are excited to get back out on the Port Stephens Whale Highway in search of the mighty Humpback Whales. The Hinchinbrook Explorer has kept in close to the off shore Islands of Boondelbah and Fingal…

29 JUNE 2024

We could not have asked for a better day, Port Stephens is basking in warm winter sunshine and beautiful calm seas with just a gentle roll. Hinchinbrook Explorer has cruised off shore past the Yaccaba Headland on the Tea Gardens side of the Bay and then on towards Boondelbah Island. We have multiple pods of…

28 JUNE 2024

Today’s calm waters made for perfect conditions for whale spotting.  It was ‘Whale overload’ on our morning cruise with passengers being treated with whale sightings in all directions. We made a beeline to the east of Fingal Island where we meet up with a pod of whales who were rather sleepy and not that active. …

27 JUNE 2024

Heading out past Mount Tomaree for the first whale watch cruise of the day a couple of Dolphins have swam over to say hello. Cruising further out in line to the Fingal Island Lighthouse we have located a pod of very active whales that displaying signs of a heat run with all whales moving very…

26 JUNE 2024

Gorgeous sea conditions again today and the whales are about in great numbers, while we are viewing pods of Humpback Whales within close proximity to the boat there are a number of different pods further off in the distance. One whale surprise everyone during the morning cruise aboard the Hinchinbrook Explorer by breaching unexpectedly catching…

25 JUNE 2024

WHALE hello there! Port Stephens has turned on another magnificent day as we search for Humpback Whales aboard MV Osprey and Envision. It has been a day of heat runs which are exhilarating to watch as the large male Humpback Whales battle it out for the female’s attention. The sound alone can take your breath…

24 JUNE 2024

Beautiful sea conditions, with a nice gentle swell and very light breezes have greeted MV Osprey on our morning Whale Watch Cruise at Port Stephens. The crew have quickly located two pods of Humpback Whales at Fingal Island, we have cruised along and soon became surrounded by three pods of whales. The whales have been…

23 JUNE 2024

We have not needed to cruise too far to find whales during today’s 10am Whale Watch Cruise, straight past the Fingal Island Lighthouse Cruise Director Jaclyn has reported there are ‘truck loads of whales’ There must be at least ten pods, each consisting of 1 – 3 Humpback Whales within in each pod. All whales…

22 JUNE 2024

  Everyone onboard our whale watch cruises have needed every single layer of warm clothing to brace for the freezing conditions on the water today, and a bit dreary with the rain about. But that didn’t stop the whales from making an appearance, we came across a pod of four whales just off Fingal Lighthouse,…

21 JUNE 2024

Heading out of the harbour along Shoal Bay beach we have sighted a number of large adult Humpback Whales close to the Fingal Island Lighthouse, but as they say you should always look behind you and sure enough this morning the crew have reported a bunch of breaches toward tomaree headland just we had been….