8 JULY 2023

The sun is out today with the wind remaining chilly so rugging up on our Whale Watching cruises is highly recommended. Today the Whales were elusive however aboard the MV Spirit of Port, two Humpback Whales popped up in the front of the vessel surprising everyone.
The seals were seen be lazing around on the return via Cabbage Tree Island with a pod of Common Dolphins joining the vessel riding the bow wave.
Not all of the action was in the water with a sighting of an Albatross in the sky which is a sign of good luck. The belief is that the Albatross carries the souls of departed mariners and sighting one flying overhead was considered good luck as the sailors believed that the mariner’s soul the Albatross carried had come to protect them from harm or bring needed winds for the ship’s sails.
The afternoon Whale Watching cruise aboard the Hinchinbrook Explorer came across three Humpback Whales traveling south of Fingal Lighthouse.
Photo Credit: Lee Matthews