23 JUNE 2023

We are still finding multiple pods of whales once we reach the point of Fingal Island, we are lucky to have so many that we can choose which pod to stick with. The morning cruise aboard the Hinchinbrook Explorer has found a pod of at least seven Humpback Whales. The whales appeared to be a competitive pods involved in a heat run as all the whales were chasing each other making for interesting viewing for our passengers. At one point there was even a Off Shore Common Dolphins interacting with the pod of whales. The seal count at Cabbage Tree Island was just at four or five, we figured there must of been some off fishing for their lunch.
Our passengers aboard the afternoon whale watch cruise were completely spoilt, and at times were unsure of which direction they should cast their eyes! The crew have reported two active whales on the bow of the vessel, and then another three whales at the rear of the vessel, all whales were extremely active with numerous displays of double tail lobbing, breaching, and pec slapping. A small pod of Common Dolphins have again been spotted interacting with the whales.