12 JULY 2023

Port Stephens has turned on a picture perfect day with light breezes and calm seas for whale watching along the Port Stephens whale highway. For our passengers aboard the 11am Whale Watch Cruise had a special encounter of a Humpback mother and very new week old calf, they were traveling along with another adult escort Humpback Whale. Both of the adult whales were very active with displays of breaching, spy hopping, tail slapping, and rolling on the surface of the water, even the calf was joining in with little baby tail slaps. At one point all of the pod have come in nice and close to the MV Spirit showing how trusting mum is with vessel they encounter on their northern migration. As we have moved away from this beautiful pod, the Captain has cruised along to Cabbage Tree Island to find 9 lazy seals basking in the winter sunshine, and to round off the cruise as we have cruised back in through the headland we spotted a pod of Dolphins along Jimmys Beach.
Hinchinbrook Explorer on the 10am whale watch cruise have spent time cruising along side a large pod of big adult Humpback Whales, all these whales were intent on continuing their north bound journey. One of the whales surprise our passengers by popping close to the boat. Meanwhile during our afternoon cruise conditions have been slow flat with very little breeze off shore. The crew have spent time with a pod of whales that were very active and on repeat were breaching constantly – just picture a massive Humpback Whale breaching its self out clear out of the water.