5 OCTOBER 2024

Reporting back from our Dolphin Watch & Eco Adventure cruise this morning, yes you heard right, not our Whale Watching Cruise….
We very soon after crossing through Tomaree & Yacaaba Headlands, spotted three mother’s and calves being very active enjoying this long weekend weather. We had both the mothers and calves breaching, pec slapping & tail lobbing very nice and close to our headlands that our Dolphin cruisers’ were able to get in on the action. Our Dolphin Watch & Eco Adventure cruise and it’s fast super cat eco-vessel, allows us to head beyond the bay and headlands offshore to explore Murphy’s gap and Cabbage Tree Island if the weather allows us, so whilst enjoying this scenic cruise there’s the possibility you’ll also spot a few whales during their migration season!
Over on Hinchinbrook Explorer today our Whale Watching crew and passengers had the pleasure of spending some time with the same three mother and calf pods just through the headlands, and then ventured on over toward Fingal Island where we spotted another two adult humpbacks who also looked to be enjoying their long weekend! There was breaching, head lunging, double tail lobbing and tail slapping which had our passengers eager for more. To top it off we had a large pod of common dolphins riding the bow wave of our boat which is always such a fun thing to be a part of.