5 JUNE 2024

With a couple of days being land locked with unfavourable off shore sea conditions we are happy to see the swell settle allowing MV Osprey to depart on the 10am whale watch cruise. It has turned out to be an action packed time on the water, we have quickly located a pod of four whales near Fingal Island. We have traveled along with the pod while we can see another pods cruising behind, and a pod not too far off in front. All three pods have then affiliated to become a large pod of ten whales with a number of the Humpback Whales being extremely large adults. The pod has become a very pushy and quickly worked themselves into a heat run with the males vying for the attention of the females, we have even been lucky with one whale breaching! As we have left the whales to continue their travel north bound MV Osprey has cruised along to Cabbage Tree Island where the crew have counted five seals basking on the rock. Last and not least, we have located a pod of Dolphins with a Sea Eagle soaring above as we made our way back through the headland.