5 JULY 2023

Perfect conditions offshore on board our MV Spirit Whale Watch Cruise today. Straight away our crew were able to locate a pod of 5 whales who weren’t shy in the slightest!
They were pulling out all the stops with breaches, tail slaps, head lunges and giving our passengers a wonderful viewing.
At Cabbage Tree Island we passed our furry friends the seals again who looked to be thoroughly enjoying the sunshine and light breeze.
On our 11am Whale Watch Express we had the excitement of witnessing a brand new calf with its mother cruising past quite close to us. The calf only looked to be a day or so old due to its size, but was a rare occasion and something pretty special for our crew and passengers to see!
Here’s a clip to watch: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=aquamarine%20adventures%20-%20port%20stephens