29 June 2022

What an action packed whale watch cruise aboard the Hinchinbrook Explorer this morning, it is one of the most amazing cruises we have experienced. We have started with the sighting of 6 to 7 whales close to Fingal Island which has turned into a heat run of male Humpback Whales chasing the females. At one stage everyone has been left in awe of the sight of three Humpback Whales breaching in sequence together, this has been etched into the memory bank as no one managed to capture video. Lots of activity with head lunges, and pec slapping too, all to impress the girls.
The crew have reported a stunning number of whales in the vicinity with numerous pods tallying around 30-40 whales. What a morning!
Our afternoon cruise did not disappoint either with a pod of 4 or 5 whales coming in close to the vessel at one stage, and again the male Humpback Whales taking a keen interest and out to impress the females in the pod with pec slapping, head lunging and breaches on display.
A couple of dolphins have then joined in with the pod of whales, but the whales weren’t too keen to share and it appeared as though the whales were trying to push the dolphins away from their pod. And if that wasn’t enough, a pod of Oceanic Dolphins have jumped on the bow of the pressure wave to bow ride along with the Hinchinbrook Explorer – was a hard decision of which way to look – whales or dolphins!