18 June 2022

The Oceanic Dolphins have stolen the show today with their brilliant acrobatic skills on display, at one point a huge pod of Dolphins appeared taking a lot of interest in the Hinchinbrook Explorer. Dolphins love nothing more than swimming along at speed on the bow of the boat riding the pressure wave, with the most amazing sight of 20 or more Dolphins all leaping out of the water cruising with the swell, all mid air at once.
Cruise Director, Renee reports she could hearing the humming of ‘Just keep swimming, just keep swimming’ with tune of Dory’s song, as all of our whale sightings today have been Humpback Whales intent on continuing their journey north bound towards the warmer waters of Queensland. They have seen plenty of blows of air as whales have exhaled in coming to the surface of the water, but not a lot of action seen.
This afternoons highlight was the sighting of a baby Hammer Head Shark swimming briefly along side the Hinchinbrook Explorer.