Today offshore sea conditions and large swells have prevented us from heading out offshore for our Whale Watch Cruises, so unfortunately we weren’t in luck when it comes to Whale Watching today…… Or were we??…
Quite the opposite really! During our 1:30pm Dolphin Discovery Cruise our passengers and crew alike were shocked and then thrilled to see a pair of humpbacks cruising through the harbor. Our resident bottle nose dolphins that reside here in said harbor were just as excited and all gathered around splashing, jumping and welcoming their new visitors.
Humpback Whales steering off course their migrating journey into shallower waters and bays is something that rarely happens, but alas miracles do happen! We can only stipulate as to why they steer off course but some reasons could be that a mother is getting ready to birth and is traveling with an escort to somewhere calmer, they could be looking for somewhere to simply have a rest, they could be injured or sick or they could just be confused and made a wrong turn somewhere!
Whatever the reason, our passengers on board our Dolphin Discovery Cruise were thrilled with this afternoons turn out.