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Whale Sightings

Back to Whale Sightings

9 July 2022

The sun is shining and we are excited to be heading back out whale watching. The vessel, Spirit of Port Stephens, sighted Dolphins while they were making their way out of the heads.  Once offshore the whales were hard to track as they were sound diving for long periods which made it difficult to predict where they would surface.  As the Whales were only briefly sighted, standby vouchers were issued to the passengers for them to use in the future.

During our afternoon whale watch cruise we have spotted one lone Humpback Whale close to Fingal Island. To begin the whale was quite active wowing our passengers with a number of breaches and head lunges as this whale started go a little quiet we have cruised further south and found another two Humpback Whales. At one point both whales have approached the back of the vessel, and continued swimming north bound.


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