28 JUNE 2023

It was certainly a cold day out on the water today, but conditions were calm offshore for our Whale Watching cruise aboard the Hinchinbrook Explorer.
We spotted a few pods of Whales just off Fingal Island today and it wasn’t far off that they would soon join us along with some more of their friends. We then had them all around our boat!
They were a little on the quieter side to begin with, but then began pulling out all the tricks with pec slaps, tail slaps & breeching.
At Cabbage Tree Island we again found our furry friends the seals dozily lazing about, and then just off Yacabaa Headlands some dolphins joined us for part of our trip home.
For our afternoon cruise we had 5 whales next to us, looking to be in the midst of a pretty agressive heat run. Lots of head lunging, tail wacking and lobbing and doing everything to get the interest of the female. Seals again at Cabbage Tree but the dolphins were quiet this afternoon and not popping up to say hi.
All in all, a successful day aboard our Whale watching cruise!