26 September 2022

The Humpback mum and their calves are traveling along the Port Stephens coastline just in time for the NSW spring school holidays. We have spotted our first mum and bub pair in the shallow water close to Fingal Island this morning. The calf spent a fair amount of time being quite active, breaching and head lunging. At one point the calf has taken quite an interest in a passing pod of Common Dolphins was swimming after the dolphins. We have then moved onto the second pod of the morning of another Humpback mum and calf who were traveling along with an escort. This calf was seen keenly waving its tail (ok maybe just splashing about) to the passengers onboard the Hinchinbrook Explorer. Before heading back home to the d’Albora Marina we have cruised past Cabbage Tree Island to say hello to the seals residing on the island.
During our afternoon whale watch cruise we have cruised toward Boondelbah Island where we have located a pod of two Humpback Whales; mum and her calf. The calf was nice and active showing off by pec slapping, rolling around on the surface of the water, breaching and at one stage slapping their tail on the surface of the water creating lots of white water splashes.
As we have cruised for home we have been joined by a pod of Common Dolphins swimming the bow wave at the front of the vessel.