19 June 2022

It has been a misty and showery start to the day at Nelson Bay, by the time we have departed the dock for the first whale watch cruise of the day the cloud has lifted a bit and the showers eased off.
The skipper of the Hinchinbrook Explorer has lined up along side a pod of two Humpback Whales and cruised along at the same pace of the whales from Point Stephens towards Big Island. Both whales were spending a lot of time on the surface of the water, with sounding dives of only approx three minutes at a time.
Our passengers aboard our afternoon whale watch cruise were in awe of the acrobatic display unfolding before their eyes, they didn’t know which way to look as every trick was performed. It was like the whales were in competition with each other or maybe communicating. Breaches, jumping barrel rolls and pectoral fin slapping. For passengers who happened to be in the right location on the boat, they were perfectly lined up to view two whales emerging from the water and performing a perfect double breach! Spectacular!